Grand Roopram Roti Restaurant in Paramaribo

SurinameGrand Roopram Roti Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

Coronastraat, Paramaribo, Blauwgrond, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 459-995
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.843099, Longitude: -55.1375706

opmerkingen 5

  • Carolyn Eaton-Nowinski

    Carolyn Eaton-Nowinski


    Loved the vegetarian Roti - mildly spicy with lots of flavor. The restaurant was very clean, and overall an excellent value.

  • V Alli

    V Alli


    Called and order . When i get there and ask them for my order. They said i have to join the line! Waste of time of calling and going there. Pfff. Never again. You guys have your own rules because a few weeks ago, i did the same thing ,and i join the line when i got the thr cashier the lady told me when i order next time i dont need to join the line

  • Ryan Reedhi

    Ryan Reedhi


    The best tasting roti and curry I had in Suriname. It was so good I did it twice. Can't wait to visit Suriname again.

  • Bevaun Ragobeer

    Bevaun Ragobeer


    Visited here for some roti and I was pleasantly surprised at the taste. It was well done. If you are in search for roti to appease your pallette check our Roopram, you will not be disappointed. I will take one star off for the exterior of this place as it could use a fresh coat of paint to brighten it.

  • Timothy Rainier

    Timothy Rainier


    This place was awesome. The curry was on point and the addition of bodi to the aloo was very innovative. It added a snap to the usually mushy or even soupy texture of some of the previous rotis I'd had. The chicken was nice and tender and the curry had permeated the meat, a feat some roti shops cannot accomplish! It was an excellent experience.

Restaurant in de buurt

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