Twins Pizza & Burgers in Paramaribo

SurinameTwins Pizza & Burgers



🕗 openingstijden

79, Wilhelminastraat, Paramaribo, Rainville, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 452-222
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8370987, Longitude: -55.1421055

opmerkingen 5

  • Frase Sur

    Frase Sur


    I like it very much 👏👏 I recommend it 🍕🍝🍔

  • Naziem Saki

    Naziem Saki


    Great food. The outside terras has to much beggers..

  • dave williamson

    dave williamson


    Came from North America to Vista Family her in Suriname and have been eating the delicious Surinamis food all week . The children where ready for something they where more used to and this place had it ! They had tried several things around town that looked American but was completely different than what they were used to. They liked the pizza here so much we came back several hours later for dinner just for them.

  • Elliot Colcol

    Elliot Colcol


    okay so last night i ordered a Kapsalon and a medium Meatball Pizza with mushrooms as extra topping. I waited exactly 1 hour as stated so that's fine for me The Kapsalon was good but the Pizza i got wasn't what i ordered i got a BBQ Chicken with Onions... pic proof below.. the taste was great but I don't like how i got the wrong pizza. The moment i realized i got the wrong pizza it was already shared with my parents so I couldn't help with that. I'll try again next time if its the same thing again I'll never order from this place ever again.

  • Andrew Muller

    Andrew Muller


    Always great Pizza and Burgers. We had asked to have the pizza baked a few minutes longer. It was soo much better! We ordered half Veggie and half Meat Lovers along with the Shack Burger!

Restaurant in de buurt

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