Kimboto hideaway in Aurora

SurinameKimboto hideaway


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

9JP5+G3R, Aurora, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 422-138
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 4.3863674, Longitude: -55.3923555

opmerkingen 5

  • Elle Van Leuvenum

    Elle Van Leuvenum


    Well lets go again . Worth it

  • ankie Kabenda

    ankie Kabenda


    This is where you have to go. What a surprise when you get there, beautiful, neat sleeping accommodations, everything is neat, even the toilet.

  • Sahiesta Sadhoe

    Sahiesta Sadhoe


    You get a warm welcome from the start. The place is nice and quiet. You can hear the sound of water falling which is very relaxing. The river water temperature is perfect: not too cold, not warm at all. We left with a happy heart full of memories. Will visit again !

  • Michael Ling

    Michael Ling


  • Gabriel Santos

    Gabriel Santos


    A breath of fresh air, this new location in Suriname interior is by far breathtaking. Hands down peaceful and Relaxing They are not officially opened, still working new living lodge for large groups and more guest It’s very spacious, privacy guaranteed!!

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