Kosindo River Lodge in Cajana

SurinameKosindo River Lodge


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🕗 openingstijden

Gran Rio shore, Cajana, Boven-Suriname, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 884-1273
website: surinamelodge.sr
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 3.9012616, Longitude: -55.5739554

opmerkingen 5

  • Jette Roelevink

    Jette Roelevink


    The southernmost accommodation option on the Suriname River, where you will receive a warm welcome from the village community that will take excellent care of you.

  • Tagedieb 87

    Tagedieb 87


    The Kosindo River Lodge is a beautiful accommodation on the Gran Rio. The staff is friendly. Rick spent a lot of time with us and he can speak a good English. The rooms and the food are good. Especially recommendable is a boat tour with overnight stay in the Base Camp at Sintiadam. My criticism is that we had to big misunderstandings: one about the voluntary work from Belgium (we didn't know that Mr. Vanhalewyn is doing an voluntary job) and one about the flights. So the Kosindo River Lodge has definitely to work on their transparency, maybe some more information about the voluntary work from Belgium and about the flights on the homepage. Warm greetings from Germany.

  • Alex Peters

    Alex Peters


    We had wonderful days with our Dutch family group of 12 people. Accommodation neat and just enough bare base to have the real jungle feeling. Fun and interesting activities including walking tours and the 'spa' of the Awarra dam with wonderful water roller coasters. Frans Dinge, Jerry and others are very friendly and service-oriented. Food also top notch and adapted to your wishes (we had a vegetarian lady in our club). Highly recommended

  • Anneke de Lange

    Anneke de Lange


    We, four people over sixty, were guests at Kosindo River Lodge from November 14 until early in the morning of November 18. The care was excellent, Frans (the Captain) paid attention to our wishes and comments, which were immediately implemented or corrected. We also had a very good and sweet guide, who we called Spikey. Highly recommended if you love nature and the culture of the people!

  • Explore SUR

    Explore SUR


    Lovely place in the middle of the jungle

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