Royal Care Residence Zorghotel in Paramaribo

SurinameRoyal Care Residence Zorghotel


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🕗 openingstijden

68, Anton Drachtenweg, Paramaribo, Rainville, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 455-200
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8328034, Longitude: -55.1327026

opmerkingen 5

  • clifton kasanradjie

    clifton kasanradjie


    Average service but nice view of the river

  • Mariëlle Leugs

    Mariëlle Leugs


    Food is delicious! Location is beautiful alongside the river and nearby the city centre. Enough parking space available. Nurses are super friendly but very busy. May take a while after asking for help. Fysiothrapy is the best, good training and great advice. Rooms are not always very clean. Building could use some renovation. There's a nice swimming pool also open for public. It's a great place to stay for vacation with 24hours Healthcare or for revalidation. They provide ambulance service from airport if necessary.

  • Bevaun Ragobeer

    Bevaun Ragobeer


    A family member went to get a booster Pfizer shot and the process was as smooth as butter. The nurse was friendly and it was good overall. No stress. The nurse even gave the member useful advice. Location-wise it is very easy to find.

  • Beyond Music & Video's

    Beyond Music & Video's


    Good place to go with family's and friends. You will always have fun.

  • Asetoosh Basropansingh

    Asetoosh Basropansingh


    It has great view and great swimming area(pool) Good food and nice services!! I go once or twice a month there.

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