Sheva Hotel in Paramaribo

SurinameSheva Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

Hofstedecrull'laan Nr 9, Paramaribo, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 422-275
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8309129, Longitude: -55.1441156

opmerkingen 5

  • cxsmoswrld



    Horrible place for children too many hazards, runs on lies about being “luxurious rooms”, dirty bathrooms,tvs look broken, need to ask for adapters, WiFi is a the worst, no patience, lights are way too dimmed can hardly see anything when entering the room, rats squeaks in walls, shower is disgusting, hair in the sink

  • pamashwar jainarine

    pamashwar jainarine


    I had the horrible experience where I could not have collected my safety deposit of 100 USD when I was ready to leave early in the morning to catch the ferry back to Guyana.I had to make arrangements for a complete stranger to collect my deposit and send it to me home in Guyana..There should have proper arrangements in place ..

  • mike desroche

    mike desroche


    The only reason i give 1 star it’s because zero star can not be. No restaurant, poor service and they won’t accept MasterCard or American Express. I rented a room with jacuzzi and while having a nice jacuzzi a water pipe burst under the tube but we couldn’t hear it due to the noisy jacuzzi motor. It flooded the floor and the manager blamed us for that even trying to me me pay for it. I left that place without any refund and rent another place at 12am because they refused to give me another room. He was rude. Worst place ever plus the bad location no cab nearby. Just do yourself a favor and book somewhere else.

  • Supr Buddoy

    Supr Buddoy


    Its already 3pm, but the cook just arrived for our lunch. We are already hungry. Not recommended here for pleasure. We are dying hungry here.

  • Anthony Ramsahoi

    Anthony Ramsahoi


    Perfect for a vacation... they spoil you..

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