Eco Torarica in Paramaribo

SurinameEco Torarica


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🕗 openingstijden

16, Cornelis Jongbawstraat, Paramaribo, Rainville, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 425-522
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8291735, Longitude: -55.143547

opmerkingen 5

  • Sander Van Langendonck

    Sander Van Langendonck


    Update: I finally received my deposit after 2 months. So I upgraded from 1 to 3 stars. Almost two months and a lot of emails now and still don't have my deposit back. In the best case, that's just unethical and poor service, worst case plain theft. On a more positive note: I did enjoy my stay, decent rooms, good breakfast, moderately good location and friendly albeit not always helpful staff. Due to ongoing renovation works, the hotel wasn't very relaxing during the day, but it was quiet at night, much more so than other hotels downtown reportedly. So if you stay, only pay your deposit with a creditcard, don't believe they will refund you afterwards on a debit card. Very poor practice for what I believe is the largest hotel chain in the country. I must add I still believe it is administrative incompetence rather than theft but still, result is the same.

  • Ryan



    We went to the restaurant during restaurant week 2023. The restaurant is really beautiful and clean. The service was good and quick, but they messed up our reservation. Luckily they were not fully booked and we were still able to be seated. The food was good. The cocktails on the other hand could be better. Overall a good experience and good food. Would recommend!

  • Marciano Amsari

    Marciano Amsari


    Cozy rooms for couples. Had a special experience with my partner. Near to lots of restaurants, bars, pool areas. All a good experience!!!

  • Linda A.

    Linda A.


    I enjoyed my stays here the rooms are simple and clean. I stayed a total of 3 times at the hotel. The breakfast was the highlight of my stay here. I also liked the staff, everyone from the check in ladies to the bell men and the staff at the restaurant were incredibly friendly and helpful. I also like that you have access to the amenities in the nearby eco resort. That was wonderful! The attached restaurant isn’t bad either. The Chinese Tayer soup was delicious and so was the plantain crusted fish. I also liked that you could order coconut water at the restaurant and they cut the coconut open for you afterwards. It was a very pleasant stay. I would recommend this place.

  • CK Cheong

    CK Cheong


    Nice, clean rooms. Great breakfast. Quiet. Just a short walk

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