Chi Min in 83

SurinameChi Min



🕗 openingstijden

Cornelis Jongbawstraat, 83, SR Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 412-155
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8314545, Longitude: -55.1403611

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    John Wilson


    Excellent food. Excellent company. I didn't have a bad dish all night.

  • Leandro Zaalman

    Leandro Zaalman


    Tasty and delicious food. Better call first then take away

  • BPD 805

    BPD 805


    Absolutely the worst chinese food Ive ever had. Not sure why this place is packed, maybe from all the neon lights (thats what got me)

  • Roberto Valli

    Roberto Valli


    Very good food. Nice people. Suggested.

  • en

    Rosita Gopalsingh


    I celebrated my birthday with a group of 60 family members and friends at Chi Min. The food, drinks, etc... were EXCELLENT. We had a private room which was spacious to accommodate dancing and the ambiance was beautiful. The staff of the restaurant was very professional and the service was fantastic. Jenny and her team did an excellent job and I would highly recommend them to cater any celebration. I enjoyed the celebration to the extent that I will be back again next year to celebrate my next birthday.

Restaurant in de buurt

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