Restaurant Shadien in Paramaribo

SurinameRestaurant Shadien



🕗 openingstijden

RVRM+9V9, Paramaribo, Suriname
contacten telefoon: +597 852-3203
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 5.8409127, Longitude: -55.1152767

opmerkingen 5

  • Psalmist Elias Harderwijk

    Psalmist Elias Harderwijk


    It's a beautiful place to have dinner

  • Le Dog AR

    Le Dog AR


    Stopped in during the early evening of June 5. I planned to have a beer and then order some dinner, but the staff working that night were so horribly rude that I just left. Additionally, the bartender (Chanel was her name) overcharged me for the beer and likely just pocketed the extra. Get better employees.

  • FrxenZy Guy

    FrxenZy Guy


    The tables here were very sticky and it had a weird smell, the food was a little dry but it was okay.

  • Morino Ravenberg

    Morino Ravenberg


    Restaurant is decent or at least looks that way, they do have a doctor that you need to pay 25 SRD for if you want to dock something like a water scooter or jetski or something, but there is a lot of rubble present.

  • Fa M

    Fa M


    It's a very romantic place to go as a couple, but also very fitting to go with family or friends. The personal has been friendly most of the time. The food is good, although its a bit dark at night. Its nice to hear the river sounds while eating. Overall its a quite pretty place, but the reason I'm giving it 3 stars its because a few i went there, there were cockroaches flying around and then they tend to land on your table or food, which absolutely sucks for me.

Restaurant in de buurt

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